Make a Donation

Your support matters!

Be The Change Youth Initiative is a 501(c)3 charitable organization; therefore, your financial and/or “in-kind” donation is tax-deductible.  The work we have been called to is important and it wouldn’t be possible without the generous and ongoing support of our donors! Please also navigate to the end of this page to explore other ways you can donate or partner with us. We appreciate your support!

Other Ways To Give


If you would prefer to send your donation from your PayPal account to ours, please send it to:  Sending the money directly through PayPal will eliminate processing/transaction fees.


Likewise, if you would prefer to send your donation from your Venmo account to ours, please send it to: @bethechangeyi.  Sending the money directly through Venmo will eliminate processing/transaction fees.

"In-Kind" Donations

In addition to, or lieu of, a cash donation, consider whether you are able to donate your time, services and/or possessions to the mission of our organization.  The value of  an “in-kind” donation, and the ability to use it as a tax deduction, is governed by IRS regulations and guidelines; therefore, we recommend that you obtain independent legal and/or financial advice regarding the tax benefits or consequences of making an “in-kind” donation, particularly if you are uncertain whether the donation is deductible or the gift involves something of significant value.  Our greatest need at the moment is general operating expenses, but our needs are constantly changing, so please contact us via email if you have an interest in exploring an “in-kind” donation.  A member of our team will promptly be in touch with you to determine whether your proposed gift complies with our “in-kind” donation policy and can further the mission of BTCYI.  We truly appreciate your consideration!

Mail A Check

If you prefer to send a check instead of an electronic donation, it can be sent to the following address:

Be The Change Youth Initiative
PO Box 17386
Red Bank, TN 37415

We're grateful for your support!

The BTCYI Team